Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lets Lay the Best to Rest

Wolverine aka Logan aka James Howlett
Wolverine is my all time favorite character in the world. He is the reason i am the geek I am today. Without him I would not be drawing comics. I have named my child after him and she is a girl, Logan Watson.
Wolvie has brought a lot to me and it is a very sad day to see him leave. Today the final issue of "The Death of Wolverine" comes out. I know he is over used and on 20 different teams but I still love him and I will miss him(even if this is a temporary leave). I never would have thought they would kill him but Marvel pulled the trigger. I have not bought the final issue yet and as I contemplate Logan's end I just want to remember the old canucklehead.

Favorite Artist on Wolverine Adam Kubert
Favorite Storyline "Old Man Logan"
Favorite Fight Sabertooth, Wolverine #90
Favorite Team Wolverine is on X-Men Blue Sqaud
Favorite side Kick Jublation Lee
Favorite Costume Brown and Tan
Favorite WTF Moment Magneto rips out His adamantium

The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Enjoy you vacation Logan looking forward to seeing how it finally ends for you and how they bring you back.

What are some of your favorite things about Wolverine