Friday, January 30, 2015

Man of Steel Rant!

So how does a certain amount of geek people complain about the mentality of Superman as a character and he is such a boy scout and then when they give you something on screen you have not seen before(and by seen I mean did not show the actual death because Superman has killed in comics, movies and animation) people bitch! Honestly Man of Steel is the best movie Warner Brothers has done next to Batman Begins then Rise. Superman has to know what it is to see what he can do unleashed he had to have a standard to base his no kill policy(he has broken)on. to know what it has felt like to take a life with his own hands, the life of a man who was not stopping unless he killed him. A man who we have no prisons to hold him, no handcuff to limit him, no where to place him. Due to MOS Superman lives in a cardboard box. Also Batman killed in begins spin it how you want to, by choosing not to save Rhas he murdered him. When you have enough time to sit there perched in your dark hero pose and say "I do not have to save you" then pause, stare and dip. You are a murderer because there were prisons that could hold Rhas, handcuff to bind him. But no that was cool when Batman did it, that was awesome go kick rocks!!

#notgonnaletitdie #manofsteel #yoursupermaniscoming #hehastostart#bettertitle #ManofSteelSupermanBegins #gokickrocks #batmanisakillatoo


Monday, January 26, 2015

Episode 58 and 59 of The Stuff

We are at it again with the Stuff you love to talk about. John Jennings joins us on this weeks episode and we talk about Marvel drawing a line, our favorite movies everyone loves to hate, oscar snubs and are comic book movies ready to be taken seriously.
Aaron Helfer

We are at it again with the Stuff you love to talk about. John Jennings joins us on this weeks episode and we talk about Marvel drawing a line, our favorite movies everyone loves to hate, oscar snubs and are comic book movies ready to be taken seriously.

On the Stuff today, we have the Awesome John Jennings. He creates comics and he teaches comics, a double edged sword. Do not count him as a one trick pony, he has an arsenal of skills in the realm of the arts.

His research and teaching focus on the analysis, explication, and disruption of African American stereotypes in popular visual media. His research is concerned with the topics of representation and authenticity, visual culture, visual literacy, social justice, and design pedagogy. He is an accomplished designer, curator, illustrator, cartoonist, and award-winning graphic novelist. His work overlaps into various disciplines including American Studies, African American Studies, Design History, Media Studies, Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, and Literature.

With a shout out to our pals at Omniversal Cross-Wars and Death Battle Homies we decided to do a segment for vs. Battles! Comment below for two characters you'd like to see duke it out on next week's show!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Directors Chair on our Show

Man, I am very excited to say we will have fresh from her Directorial Debut "Joy Millana" She will be geeking out with us Feb 5 2015. She just directed "Profiled"

Not only has Redbox found interest in distribution of this film, but Family Video, Netflix, and Walmart has joined the distribution bandwagon. Pick up your copy in March  #Profiled

New Episode is Live 57 of The Stuff

Episode 57 is here for your listing pleasure.

Marvel just pooped on the movie industry with the second awesome Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer! We talk to the mighty Anthony Piper, creator of the Trill League. In our shots fired, what games do we want to see brought back to life, Super Girl a detective? Vixen set to debut in the CW's Arrow-verse. The age old question is answered by the stuff crew. We tackle artist living off of another artist's style, and finally we get to men, women, & sex in comics; is it still relevant? Sit back and relax its time to talk about #thestuff you love to talk about.

The Stuff is brought to you by Freestyle Komics, Heroes and Games, Vantage Inhouse, Rising Sun, BDL Tees

Catch Anthony Piper online

#thestuff #trillleague #freestylekomics #heroesandgames #vantageinhouse#risingsun #bdltees #vixen #supergirl #anthonypiper#wiggitywhamwhamwozzle
#avengers #AgeOfUltron #cwarrow #crossmultiverseversusbattles

Be sure to check out Omniversal-Cross Wars and Death Battle Hoomies for all you geek fighting and character debating fun w/actual stats

Thursday, January 15, 2015

X-Men Days Of Futures Past Never Forget

So there has been a lot of talk of XDOFP and one question that keeps coming up is " When did Kitty learn to send people back in time?" I wonder that too, I know all things will not remain the same as the source material but even if you change something can you tell us how it came about. I mean what happened was she having relations with Iceman and she touched him sending him back before he got gratification? I mean really how did she figure it out, when did she and how can she do it. Answer me Mr. Singer I will not let you get away with this because you brought back Cyclops.