Friday, January 30, 2015

Man of Steel Rant!

So how does a certain amount of geek people complain about the mentality of Superman as a character and he is such a boy scout and then when they give you something on screen you have not seen before(and by seen I mean did not show the actual death because Superman has killed in comics, movies and animation) people bitch! Honestly Man of Steel is the best movie Warner Brothers has done next to Batman Begins then Rise. Superman has to know what it is to see what he can do unleashed he had to have a standard to base his no kill policy(he has broken)on. to know what it has felt like to take a life with his own hands, the life of a man who was not stopping unless he killed him. A man who we have no prisons to hold him, no handcuff to limit him, no where to place him. Due to MOS Superman lives in a cardboard box. Also Batman killed in begins spin it how you want to, by choosing not to save Rhas he murdered him. When you have enough time to sit there perched in your dark hero pose and say "I do not have to save you" then pause, stare and dip. You are a murderer because there were prisons that could hold Rhas, handcuff to bind him. But no that was cool when Batman did it, that was awesome go kick rocks!!

#notgonnaletitdie #manofsteel #yoursupermaniscoming #hehastostart#bettertitle #ManofSteelSupermanBegins #gokickrocks #batmanisakillatoo



  1. A Thesis on Man of Steel (Final):

  2. A Thesis on Man of Steel (Final):
